Understanding the role of the prefix in the English language has becoming increasingly important for students. The level of introduced academic vocabulary and domain specific words in math and science have compounded the necessity of developing an arsenal of common prefixes and their meanings to be consistently applied when approaching new text. The GrammarSongs video “Prefix Mix” is a raplike song that correlates common prefixes with their meanings in a fun way that students enjoy. The varied GrammarSongs activities provide hands-on, cooperative, and paper/pencil learning opportunities. |
Review Video & Follow These Instructional Guidelines
Second Grade
- Watch the above GrammarSong video “Prefix Mix” until lyrics become familiar.
- Begin looking for prefixes in words when reading. Discuss how prefixes change the meanings of root/base words.
- Use “Prefix Game Cards” to practice matching prefixes with definitions from the song in a hands-on way.
Third Grade
- Review GrammarSong video “Prefix Mix” until lyrics becomes familiar.
- Complete grammar game “Prefix Match with Answer Key.”
- Extra Engagement: Use “Prefix Game Cards” to practice matching prefixes with definitions from the song in a hands-on way.
- Notice prefixes on words when reading. Have students verbalize how the prefix alters the meaning of the root or base word.
Fourth Grade
- Review GrammarSong video “Prefix Mix.” Complete “Prefix Match with Answer Key” and “Using Prefixes” grammar sheet.
- Other options: Use “Prefix Game Cards” to practice matching prefixes with definitions from the song. Notice words containing prefixes when reading. Note how the prefix affects the meaning of the root or base word.
- Complete grammar sheet “Prefix Quiz” as an independent assessment to match prefixes learned. See Fifth Grade Challenge recommendation for students as needed.
Creating Connections: Watch GrammarSong videos “Prefix Mix” and “Word Detective” until familiar. Print out and play “Affix Bingo” to practice matching prefixes and suffixes with their meanings. Print out and use the “Applying Affixes to Determine WordMeanings” activity as a teacher-led center or as an independent writing center.
Fifth Grade
- Review GrammarSong videos “Prefix Mix.” If necessary, review grammar sheets “Prefix Match with Answer Key” and “Using Prefixes.”
- Extra Engagement: Use “Prefix Game Cards” to practice matching prefixes with definitions from the song in a more hands-on way.
- Notice words containing prefixes when reading. Note how the prefix affects the meaning of the root or base word. Extend this into other subject areas such as math and science.
- Complete grammar sheet “Prefix Quiz” as an independent assessment to match prefixes learned.
Challenge: Complete “Prefix Story” activity to use prefixes to determine the meanings of words to be placed appropriately in order to maintain the comprehension within a short passage.
Creating Connections: Watch GrammarSong videos “Prefix Mix” and “Word Detective” until familiar. Print out and play “Affix Bingo” to practice matching prefixes and suffixes with their meanings. Print out and use the “Applying Affixes to Determine WordMeanings” activity as a teacher-led center or as an independent writing center.