Review Video & Follow These Instructional Guidelines |
Onomatopoeia is when a word reflects the source of the sound it describes in writing. Although it sounds complicated, onomatopoeia is a fancy word for a relatively simple concept. The GrammarSong video “Onomatopoeia” conveys the story of a student who compares the onomatopoeia he is learning at school to the sounds his four year old little brother makes when playing with his toys. The catchy story line is so memorable for students, the concept and definition of onomatopoeia will be easily understood and applied. |
Third Grade
- Complete “Onomatopoeia Match.” Create onomatopoeia matching games matching nouns or pictures to the sound they make.
Fourth Grade
- Enjoy hands-on matching game “Onomatopoeia Match.” Complete grammar sheet “Understanding Onomatopoeia.”
- Extra Engagement: Invite students to create their own onomatopoeia matching games.
- Review GrammarSong videos “Onomatopoeia” and “Interjections.” Note that interjections are made by people and onomatopoeia are made by objects and animals. Sometimes quotation marks are used when using onomatopoeia in writing.
Fifth Grade
- If necessary review onomatopoeia by playing “Onomatopoeia Match” hands-on matching game and completing grammar sheet “Understanding Onomatopoeia.” Complete grammar sheet “Using Onomatopoeia.”
- Extra Engagement: Use the information presented within the sheets to model sentences on a white board or smart board to create a whole class lesson. Cut the sheet apart, gluing the related answers from the answer key on the back to use within a cooperative learning structure or as a self-checking center activity.